Just Cause 2 (2010)

Out of the four Just Cause games, Just Cause 2 is my favorite. The game was a significant improvement over the original Just Cause. It…

Metro 2033 DX 11 (Classic, 2010)

In my opinion Metro 2033 became an instant classic upon release. Based on a Russian novel, this title helped games like STALKER become a sub-genre…

Crysis DX 10 (2007)

Ahh….Crysis! If you have had even the remotest interest in PC graphics benchmarking over the last 15 years or so, there is a high chance…

Devil May Cry 4 DX 10 (2008)

There is a standalone benchmark for DMC4 which runs four individual scenes. This is one of those benchmarks which I used to start and go…

Codemasters Dirt Rally Games – A Performance History

CODEMASTER’s Colin McRae / Dirt is a long running series of racing games. The latest entry in the series, Dirt 5 was released in 2020…

Lost Planet 2 (2011)

“Lost Planet 2 is a third-person shooter video game developed and published by Capcom and Beeline Interactive, Inc. The game is the sequel to Lost…

Stalker: Call of Pripyat (2010)

“S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat is a first-person shooter survival horror video game developed by GSC Game World for Microsoft Windows. It is the third game…